Tax Law
Taxation of acquisition, sales and restructuring transactions
- Structuring of merger/acquisition transactions and LBO.
- Optimization of financial flows: management services, dividends, group loans, royalties.
- Pre-acquisition due diligences – « Due diligence » buyer or seller.
- Contract documentation assistance – drafting and negotiation.
Corporate and businesses tax law
- Assistance relating to corporate tax issues for companies as well as national and international groups: corporate taxation, VAT, registration fees, territorial economic contribution (CET).
- Intra-group transactions, fiscal integration.
- Deficit management.
- Negotiation of tax approvals, rescript requests.
International taxation
- International tax strategy: assistance for establishing businesses in France and abroad
- Protection, optimization and management of international capital flows
- Assistance in relation to real properties acquisition structure in order to optimize the holding and disinvestment as well as the recovery of financial inflows
Patrimonial taxation
- Estate engineering
- Business and private assets transfers – gift or inheritance taxes, Dutreuil pacts
- National and international property and income management – income taxation, IFI
- Tax management of real estate transactions
- Company manager taxation regarding holding and sale of professional assets.
Employee saving plans and incentive bonuses
- Employees and executive officers’ compensation
- Expatriation and impatriation issues
- Implementation of incentive schemes: stock options, BSA, BSPCE, PEE (Employee Savings Plan) and other incentive mechanisms
Tax procedures
- Assistance relating to tax audits, claims and proceedings before the tax court judge.