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Labour Law

We assist employees facing individual disputes and companies having to put forth a HR policy and the defense of their interests in case of collective or individual disputes. This is implemented through a comprehensive approach in the counselling and litigation fields.

Individual labour relations

  • Advice and assistance for the conclusion of job contracts, amendments and contractual relationship changes at work.
  • Assistance in dismissal procedures, negotiated separation, transactions…
  • Assistance in implementing and monitoring international labour relations – detachment, expatriation.

Collective labour relations

  • Advice and assistance in implementing and monitoring relations with personnel representative bodies and trade unions.
  • Assistance in the context of collective bargaining.
  • Assistance in the context of corporate reorganisation and restructuring, including implementation of mass layoffs.

Labour law disputes

  • Individual disputes before the Employee claims court – “Conseil de prud’hommes
  • Criminal labour law
  • Collective labour disputes associated with employee representatives, trade unions and collective agreements
  • Disputes related to social contributions, professional accident and disease recognition and risk premium rating of occupational injuries